The shower is fantastic! I don't know why, but tile showers always feel so much more relaxing than fiberglass. It's still a small shower stall, but I prefer it to the bath in the hall bathroom. Plus, we have new towels.
This project started out as a joint project, but most of the work ended up being done by James, since pregnant bellies (and backs) and setting tile don't really go together well. I'm awfully proud of the work James did. He spent a lot of time to do things the right way - sometimes doing them more than once! Good job, sweetheart!
I asked him if he would ever consider renovating a bathroom again and he said, "Yes, but not under these time constraints." Now, I do find this a little amusing since it's been 23 months since this project was started, but I think he meant the deadline of a baby arriving. James's sister commented that we only work well under deadlines!
And, now, for the pics!
Entering the bathroom, note picture, toilet paper holder, and rug!
Overall pic of shower stall (as best as possible), note the glass door!!
The border which James dreaded grouting because each tile is a different height.