Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Next Phase

The demolition phase of our project is (hopefully) complete. It's been a busy week conferring with numerous people - here's a shout out to Dann (and his comrades at H&A) and Al! We have now executed a combination of their good ideas. See Dann' sketch below.

Here's the execution:

And the final outcome:

The first joist has been reinforced with a 2x4 to see if we can limit the deflection enough to lay the tile. Part of the idea was to "un-deflect" the joist before scabbing the 2x4 to the joist. So, in the kitchen (below the master bath) we have a contraption:

It's a 2x4 on James's car's jack with boards underneath to distribute the load and a 1x4 on top so we can jack up the joist to un-deflect it. There's also a towel on the 1x4 so we don't mess up our stucco ceiling.

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